The department of Civil Engineering proposal for the comprehensive exam is as follows:
- Only the courses ranked as disciplines related to the specific profile will be considered.
- These courses will be grouped in 5 profiles named as:
- I. Structural Engineering
- II. Material Engineering
- III. Geotechnical
- IV. Hydromechanics
- V. Construction management
- The percentage of each group is depending on the total credits the courses of that group has.
- The total number of question will be 30 and will be divided between groups according to each group weights.
- The exam is based on “Multiple choice and justification”
- Each week the students will have consultation hours with one lecture for one topic.
The evaluation of the students in the Final Comprehensive Exam it’s going to be with grades, but that grade will be without influence in the average CGPA, so the Final Comprehensive Exam will be with 0 Epoka Credits.