them-image-mobile Strategic Plan
I. Introduction

1. Mission - The mission of the Department of Civil Engineering at EPOKA University is the education of the student to their fullness potential and service to the public through professional activities.  Through our programs in bachelor, master and doctoral studies we lead our students to become professional engineers and leaders in the civil engineering field. On the other hand, our department gives importance on research in national and international level as an important mean to contribute to humanity and particularly to Albania. 

2. Context - We aim to:

educate the next generation of engineering leaders to formulate and solve complex problems of importance to society, to collaborate as productive team members, to engage in life-long learning, and to act professionally and ethically;
extend engineering knowledge across the breadth of the discipline and beyond through creative, innovative research ranging from the fundamental to the applied;
facilitate the understanding and use of new ideas, technologies, and practices for the betterment of society through service and leadership in local, state, national, and international communities.

In summary, we expect our graduates to be fully prepared for life-long learning experiences that will strengthen their abilities to successfully and effectively solve the complex civil engineering problems facing society.

3. Vision - Where the Department wants to be after 5 years?

The Department of Civil Engineering aims to advance the state of knowledge and practice in civil engineering and to become a leader in education of civil engineering students so they become competent, dynamic and ethical engineers of the future. 

4. Sources - Human, financial and infrastructure instruments for the achievement of the strategy.

To reach our goals, we need to employ new staff in two of the Civil engineering sub-disciplines, such as: Geotechnical Engineering and Traffic and Transportation Engineering. Also the staff should be enriched with new research assistants and technical personnel for the Civil Engineering Laboratory. The civil engineering laboratory time by time should update the infrastructure. The department should have a yearly budget in order to increase the quality and number of the scientific and professional activities that the staff of the department will organize or participate. We aim the increasing of collaboration with other Departments of Civil Engineering and prestigious companies in the field.

5. Achievements from the last period (Since the establishment of EPOKA)

Since its establishment the Department of Civil Engineering has shown to be very successful in providing qualitative education in all study cycles. More than 25% of our undergraduate students are following their Master or PhD studies abroad in distinguished universities in Europe and USA. On the other hand, our staff together with the MSc or PhD students has published more than 127 papers in internationally recognized journals and many publications are being published in international journals with impact factor. Additionally, the department has successfully organized three International Conferences during years 2011; 2013 and 2015, one International PhD Student Conference in 2012 and a number of workshops and seminars.

II. Priority Areas – Themes
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